About Us

About Accura Bio

Headquartered in Mumbai, Accura Bio Cleaning solutions offers a wide range of tailor made concepts for your everyday needs. Believing that customers are our partners in business we endeavour to provide quality products; and constantly enhance our service, by making sure we are there to aptly customize innovative solutions. We always provide our customers with all of our knowledge and all of our passion, and ask ourselves today how we can be of world class service tomorrow.

The Team at Accura has a rich experience in understanding customer requirements, market trends and effectively being able to design solutions to ease day to day operations. Dealing with a vast array of cleaning solutions, the team is equipped to identity understated need and provide solutions that are cost effective.

Our products are 100% all-natural cleaning solutions’ that meet the needs of the present without compromise. We understand that this means going “all-natural”. It’s not an idea – it’s imperative for a sustainable future.

Keeping customers at the prime focus, Accura introduces ‘Beyond Green Cleaning’ to the Indian market. Using cutting-edge bio-remediation technology our products are enabled to revolutionise green cleaning. Powerful organic compounds consisting of enzymes and microbes eat away at oily grime and turn them into water without the use of harmful toxins. Our cleaning solution is not only uncompromisingly dependable and safe, but also a formula that delivers the best in hygiene results.

Quality as we maintain will always remain the most significant factor with respect to the products and services we represent.

By using our 100% all natural, bio-remediation solutions we encourage you to take part in the much needed Green Revolution, one product at a time!